2011年2月25日 星期五

Egyptian Riot

Riotous news we can see on TV every day. The countries include Bahrain, Libya, and so on. The reason that people demonstrate their government is despotism. The first country which people against government is Egypt. She ran up the trend which people chased freedom.
The democracy is major trend in over the word, and democratic society brings the freedom, economic boom. Additionally, the information is known quickly on the internet so people in despotic country also can get the advantage of democracy on website. Egyptian used the internet to gather and contact people for demonstration. The revolution method is changed .We can study the history in over the world before we have the internet. If people against government and get information, that is very not easy. The Egyptian riot let us understand that the internet not only changed the communication method and economic behavior, but also changed the political environment.
Egyptian got their purpose and drove the people of despotic country. Finally, the rolling ball is running big more and more.

