2009年12月31日 星期四

My Sons

I have 2 sons. The elder was born in 2000 that is also Chinese dragon year. He is 9 years old now. Many babies were born in 2000 because it is special year. .He will have a lot of pressure in his life because he will have many competitions in many things including the exam of enter-school, the chance of job and so on. The younger was born in 4 years ago. The story which the younger was born is special because the fortune-telling told my wife and me we have to another boy was born, and then he will change my family life to nice. So it is special thing when my wife had a pregnancy she had gotten a dream we would change to bigger house when the younger was born after couple month. It became the truth because I changed my house when he was born after 5 months. The elder is older 5 years than younger but they have good relationship. They are also my lovely sons.

2009年12月30日 星期三

I like thinking when I am looking the sea

I like thinking when I am looking sea because I will go to look the sea if I have a trouble or I am sad. I have lived near sea before I were 18 years old. The thinking when I am looking the sea can change my mood to nice, can get wild view and can relax. I also will through out my pressure when I enjoy looking sea. It seems the sea has big capacity which can accept your argument or talking. My suggestion is if you don’t have a friend who can listen your talking, you can go to look the sea. The sea will be your good friend.

My childhood

My childhood is in countryside because I was born in the east of Taiwan. I didn’t have any technological toy in my childhood. I have to make toy myself. For example, the shoot gun was made the bamboo; the car was assembled by box and circle lid. In countryside, there were no the swimming pool. The child learnt swimming in river. Sometime, my friend and I roasted some sweet potatoes in farmland. My childhood is different from children who live in the city.

2009年12月29日 星期二

My Favorite Season Is Autumn

My favorite season is autumn because the autumn is nice and cool in Taiwan. Specially, the sunlight of autumn is very suitable at morning because the distance between the sun and the earth is more far than summer. The energy of sunlight of autumn also is lighter than summer. Even the sunlight of noon let people feel very comfort. In the evening, it is very nice and cool when our face is blown by the light wind. The temperature is around is 17~25 degree. So the autumn adapted people’s activity in Taiwan.

2009年12月24日 星期四

The Major Cause of Global Warming is CO2

The global warming is tough problem and the major cause is CO2 in all over the world. Normally, the sunlight lights through aerosphere to the surface of Earth, then the sunlight reflect from the surface of Earth through out aerosphere. So the energy of sunlight doesn’t always stay between the aerosphere and the surface of Earth, the Earth also keep original four seasons separated. Currently, many scientists found some reasons which resisted the sunlight reflected through out the aerosphere. So the energy of sunlight stays between the aerosphere and the surface of Earth, the temperature is rising per year, calls “Global Warming”. The major cause of Global Warming is CO2 which is produced form using the coal, gas, oil and so on. The other causes include CFCs, CH4, N2O, and O3.The CO2 is 54% in all of resisted causes. So that is why every country wants to find any way to reduce the CO2.

2009年12月11日 星期五

Why Me?

Why me? There were 7 members in my family in including 2 elder brothers, 4 elder sisters and my parents. I am last one that my mother had born me when she was 39 years old, so my first sibling is elder 18 years than me. There is a story why I was born in 1971 because my mother was sick very long time. One day, my mother carried about 2nd sibling which was my 2nd 10-year-old elder brother and went to temple for fortune-telling. The fortune teller told my mother that you have a boy who will be bore, and if the boy was born,then you will convalesce. My mother followed fortune teller’s indication, then she bore me in 1971 and convalesced. My 2nd elder brother told me this story when I was 18 years old. That is “why me?”.

My new year's resolution: Setup My Job's Goal

I plan to setup my job’s goal clearly for New Year because my job’s goal never been defined in our company. My job is project management which is focused to control project cost, schedule and scope.For project cost, there are 2 kinds of cost I need to control that is project development cost and product cost. Currently, we don't control project development cost. I plan to make a budget for each project which also can accept the tolerance is budget plus/minus 10 percentages. I also plan to make a cost for product cost which is minus target cost.
For project schedule, current schedule is always delayed because there are some issues which they repeat appearance in each project. I plan to figure out and manage them then we can avoid to the repeated issue affect planning schedule.For project scope, we always get customer requirement and lose some information from our sales. So I plan to make a list of requirement for each project when we kick off project. Finally, I know that it is impossible to implement all of them at same time, but I will let them to be implemented in 2010.

2009年12月8日 星期二

My Favorite Animal Is he Dog

My favorite animal is the dog. I had had a dog which was my best company when I was 4~12 years old, and I lived in countryside. It calls me up every morning and welcomes me back from school every evening. The dogs are people’s best friends, it always rock its tail and accompany you when you are sad, angry and happy and so on. Each family of countryside usually had a dog which will oversee around the house. If the unknown people come into it’s the area of surveillance, it will bowwow for alert. It is good security man. My dog was died in the accident that I saw it was run over its body by car. I am so sad, and I was not regular in that time because it lives with me 8 years. I couldn’t forget it calls me up every morning and welcomes me back from school. After it died, I have never had a pet because I am afraid I will get sad again.

We can get energy from sit in meditation.

We can get energy from sit in meditation .People are busy for making living and are thinking even you are sleeping every day. So we have never taken a rest to take seriously for breath, then our body will not enough oxygen running in our body. That is why we need to take some time to exercise for getting enough oxygen, and let our body sweated. The other way is sit in meditation which you have to close eyes, keep your mind between your eyes, inhale air into your abdomen then slowly exhale from abdomen, and you can’t think anything. You will feel into the field of silence, get enough oxygen running in your body, and get more energy.

2009年11月29日 星期日

I Like English Writing

I have liked English writing since I were in LongHwa university. I already have written 10 English writings but it is not easy for me. I know too little English vocabulary to write easily, so I usually spent about 2 hours for each writing. I understand if I write more, I will know more English vocabulary because I will try to find some word to describe and remember it. English writing will improve my English ability, but I am too busy to have time for English writing. I think our classmates have same problem too, but I still like English writing. I will try to get time in my busy schedule, and then let English writing to become my hobby.

2009年11月11日 星期三

The Vote

We will have the vote of county magistrate on Dec. 05. I don’t like the environment of Taiwan’s vote because the candidates will accuse competitor via new paper, magazine, TV, and even advertisement. They also try to find and give out competitor’s affair, background and relation to win the vote.Then, this situation will affect society and people’s spirit.The society will be unstable and people will be anxiety. But this is the process democratic progress then we have to pay cost.

2009年11月9日 星期一

My Favorite Sport Is Swimming

My favorite sport is swimming. I have lived in countryside since 1971 to 1989.The interest of children who lived in the country were always limited in sport. There were no game boy, computer game, and KTV in country. In that time, we will try to find what our favorite sports are when we were a child. My No body thought me how to swimming because I learned swimming myself. I can swim freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breast. I always stayed in swimming pool in holiday when I was a student of junior high school. The swimming will let all of your muscle be running and the breathing capacity be increasing. So the swimming is good and my favorite sport.

My Favorite Movie Is The Cure.

The Cure is the movie which described true and pure emotion of two children. Both of them are eleven years old and the single parent of family. One is Dexter who got ADIS by blood transfusion. Eric is Dexter’s next door neighbor and is elder than Dexter. My wife and I went to see the cure in 1995 when we were lover. Many people cry in the movie theater because they were deeply touched by this movie. Eric found some ideas to cure Dexter’s AIDS but the idea was not unrealistic. Eric’s simply idea revealed he cordially treats his friend, Dexter. It is worth going to this movie

2009年11月8日 星期日

My Mother

My mother was born in 1933.She can speak Taiwanese, Hakks and Japanese but she is illiteracy. I have 6 siblings then I am last one. My mother was Chinese tradition woman because he fed 7 children. My father had become the drunker when he was young, so she didn’t be able to work that why my mother had to feed 7 children.She can speak Japanese which he learned when Taiwan was governed by Japan because she has to live in Japanese environment. There is Chinese maxim which is “woman was marriage to who she has to follow” that is old Chinese thinking. My siblings and I showed my mother filial piety very much because we knew she fed us very hard. We have to keep and act filial piety for our parents the our children will understand and learn what is filial piety.

2009年11月2日 星期一

A Person Who Has a Difference: Golden Mother

Golden Mother is Chinese deity. People also named Golden Mother of Jasper Lake or Queen Mother of West. She led people to follow the path of virtue and preached filial piety.

Four years ago, I met her in an occasional chance my sister introduced the temple of Golden Mother to me. In that time, I hadn’t worked for 3 months because I was a unemployed. Via the psychic of Golden Mother told me that I was too buy in my job to take care of my parents well during 10 ten years. So I have to change my mind between job and family then I would have chances to find good job. I have followed her opinion and have gotten a new job which is my current job for four years ago. I also have seen many people were led to the path of virtue during four years. Gold Mother also preached filial piety. In her scriptures, she said the foundation of people is the filial piety.

Current society, people are busying to earn more money and get more power. People are starting to lost Chinese traditional advantage which is filial piety. So Golden Mother spent much time to preach and keep filial piety in the mind of people. That is why there are many temples of Golden Mother in Taiwan.

The Bella's Choice of Twilight

In this novel or movie, Bella loved a vampire Edward. I can’t understand why Bella loved a vampire. I think the cause she was curious or young. But there is a important point in the final ending. That is “Choice” she decided to be vampire for loved Edward forever. I think she should have very large courage to make this decision for love. She give up sunshine, give up to be a human. We can’t say her choice is wrong or correct. Maybe Bella will regret her choice after couple years , or maybe not. But she know what she want at least.

In our real life, we have also many events which need us to make a choice every time, every day. So we can learn Bella that “ when you make a choice, you have to know what you want”.

2009年11月1日 星期日

Quit Smoking

I have smoked cigarette since I am 18 years old. If I want to quit smoking, it is not easy to do because I am an addiction of cigarette.

I was happy that I had quite smoking for 3 years. I had a business trip and bad cough in China before 3 years ago, but I still wanted to smoke the cigarette. I was very pain because I had worse cough when I am smoking . Finally, I made a choice which I wanted to quit smoking. I was thinking why we wanted to smoking to affect my health and let me pain.

There were two ways of quitting cigarette which were my experience. One was how to refuse somebody invited you smoking together because Chinese liked to invit friends smoking together. The other was how to change you mind when you wanted to smoke.
You could find something to do for changing your mind which you wanted to smoke.

2009年10月30日 星期五

I Got Some Thinking from Business Trip in China.

I have had lot of business trips in China since 1999. There was different feeling when I had a business trip in different periods because there was a lot of progress in industry, economy, and the living standard in ten years.

China has agreed foreign enterprises invested for 20 years ago but the heyday is during 1997~2006.Chinese government also have built the advantage of industrial requirements which are roads, power stations, reservoirs and reducing tax. So there were many industries, working chances were grown up very soon. At the same time, the life accessory industrial also were starting to grow up. So the environmental cycle was built very completely. Oppositely, a lot of Taiwanese enterprise also invested in China and closed Taiwanese manufacture. So there were many of Taiwanese also worked in China too. Couple years ago, many foreign enterprises started to use local leader including Taiwanese enterprises. So there were many Taiwanese come back then that is why current unemployed rate is closed in 7%.

We need to think what Taiwanese feature is. From last yeas, I think Taiwan has a new chance which China released new proposed law of laborer. The new proposed law of laborer will increase factory cost. So there are many enterprises think to move out China and to come back Taiwan. In the same time, our government has to think how to help our enterprises coming back Taiwan. It will help to change Taiwanese industrial environment again.

2009年10月16日 星期五

I Had a Dream Last Night.

I had a dream last night. There was a big earthquake in my dream. I hold my little son and tried to find where can protect us. In the moment, there was no power, no light. The building was broken then I woke up.

Reportedly, everyone has dreams everyday. We also can’t remember dream when we are asleep because our brain is in rest. But if sometime you are very tried or light sleep, you will remember your view of dream when you are asleep. On the other hand, some people think that is our soul goes out our body to see the feature. So sometime you will feel you have been here or you have stayed here same as your view of dream.

I think somebody has experiences which the dream is became true as some people think our soul will see feature in our dream. So I hope my dream which is Earthquake won’t be happened.

2009年10月10日 星期六

Introduce Myself

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Paul Huang. I was born in extended family including my parents,2 elder brothers and 4 sisters in Hualien at 1971.We have not lived together since I was 18 years old. I have a own unclear family including my wife and 2 sons and lives in ShinChung.

Hualien is a beautiful place where has good view, wide space, blue sky and sea. I had lived there until I was graduated from high school. I moved from Hualien to Taipei and entered LongHwa University of Science Technology majored in electrical engineering in 1993.I was back LongHwa to study the applied foreign language this year.

I had been RD engineer, engineering manager, manufacture manager before 2004. I have changed my job position to project management since 2004 because my job crossed many fields which are good for project management. In project management, the communication is very important including customer’s communication. I need to use English to communicate many foreign customers. So I come back LongHwa to study English.